
阅读:Ryan Dahl: NodeJS


这学期要用 JS 写分布式,看 Ryan Dahl 在 2009 年 JSConf 上分享 NodeJS 背后的概念,刚好复习一下 JS 的一些知识

NodeJS 简述:

  • Server Side Javascript
  • Built on Google’s V8
  • Evented, non-blocking IO, similar to EventMachine or Python’s Twisted.
  • CommonJS module system (用 ES6 Module 替代 CommonJS)
  • 8k lines of C/C++, 2k lines of JavaScript, 14 Contributes

IO needs to be done differently

事件驱动,单线程异步 IO 是否能理解为非阻塞的协程?

许多 Web 应用使用类似 var result = db.query("select * from T); 的语句,当查询在运行时,框架在做什么呢?大部分时间下,它在一直等待。

IO Latency 在硬盘、网络级别是较长的


Apache 和 NGINX 是如何处理 IO 的?

从 Benchmark 来看,随着处理量增长,concurrency NGINX 是 Apache 的两倍,但内存占用上,Apache 显著大于 NGINX。

  • Apache uses one thread per connection
  • NGINX doesnot use threads, it uses an event loop

对于大量的并发操作,不能用 OS threads 处理每个连接:上下文切换是昂贵的,调用栈也非常占用空间。而是用单线程和事件循环。

green threads / coroutines can improve 但还是可能是阻塞的

threaded concurrency is a leaky abstraction

使用事件循环,,不需要 machinery,query 结束之后执行相应的函数:

db.query('select * from T', () => {});

Cultural Bias

everybody is talking about threads

学 IO 的时候大部分人都是先接触阻塞的 puts()gets()

Missing Infrastructure

Why isn’t everyone using event loops?

Single threaded event loops require I/O to be non-blocking

  • POSIX async
  • closures and aynonymous functions
  • async queries

Too much Infrastructure

EventMachine, Twisted, AnyEvent

easy to create efficient servers (Ruby)





Javascript designed specifically to be used with an event loop

  • anonymous functions, closures
  • only one callback at a time
  • I/O through DOM event callbacks


provide a purely evented, non-blocking infrastructure to script highly concurrent programs

Design Goals

no functions should direct perform I/O, to receive info from disk/network/another process there must be a callback

Low level

这部分讨论了 Ryan Dahl 是怎么考虑和设计的

stream everything, never force the buffering of data

donot remove functionality present at the POSIX layer (support half-closed TCP connections)

have built-in support for the most important protocols: TCP, DNS, HTTP

support many HTTP features:

  • chunked requests and responses
  • keep-alive
  • hang requests

API should be both familiar to client-side JS programmers and old school UNIX hackers

platform independent

Usage and Examples

一些事件循环的例子,由于都比较久而且 PPT 实在看不清,这里用 MDN 最新的

(() => {
  console.log("this is the start");

  setTimeout(() => {
    console.log("Callback 1: this is a msg from call back");
  }); // has a default time value of 0

  console.log("this is just a message");

  setTimeout(() => {
    console.log("Callback 2: this is a msg from call back");
  }, 0);

  console.log("this is the end");

// "this is the start"
// "this is just a message"
// "this is the end"
// "Callback 1: this is a msg from call back"
// "Callback 2: this is a msg from call back"

process object emits an event when it receives a signal. Like in the DOM, you need only add a listener to catch them.

process.addListener('SIGINT', () => {
  puts('good bye');

A TCP server emits a “connection” event each time someone connects

HTTP upload emits a “body” event on each packet.

All objects which emit events are instances of process.EventEmitter

File I/O is non-blocking

something typically hard to do


A promise is a kind of EventEmitter which emits either “success” or “error”

All file operations return a promise (API sugar)

HTTP Server

展示了 Simple HTTP server 和 Streaming HTTP server,后者可以 hang request

此外还可以使用 sys.exec('ls -l /').addCallback()

这部分提到的 buffer 不太理解是什么意思,不知道是不是用于处理 TCP 流、文件系统操作、上下文之类的二进制流数据的 Buffer。

IRC demo

Ryan 展示了一个 Internet Relay Chat 聊天服务器 https://gist.github.com/ry/a3d0bbbff196af633995

Internal Design

  • V8 (Google)
  • libuv / libev / libeio
  • http-parser
  • evocom
  • udns

Thread Pool underneath everything:

  • Blocking (possibly blocking) system calls are executed in the thread pool
  • Signal handlers and thread pool callbacks are marshaled back into to the main thread via a pipe

STDIN_FILENO will refer to a file, cannot select() on files: read() will block

Solution: start a pipe and pumping thread, pump data from blocking fd into pipe. Main thread can pool for data on the pipe.

这一段源码 https://github.com/nodejs/node/blob/d52f63d9b29446b26ec831acd8ec6da9147896e5/deps/coupling/coupling.c

不知道是不是已经被弃用了,最早的源代码很多都是 C 写的


09 年的时候提出这种单线程非阻塞的异步设计,是非常惊艳的。希望有时间可以看看 NodeJS 的源码。

03/06/2024 补充,当时忽略了 libuv 的引入,只知道 NodeJS 是事件循环的,但是不知道他是怎么实现的。